Thursday, May 03, 2007

Addled minds...

Something is wrong because I keep missing datelines and apparently appointments! I was getting ready for the night out to welcome fusae and Mustafa and we were supposed to head out to the night safari and supper at jalan kayu. I couldn’t convince anyone to join me for the tram ride so I called the hotel to leave them a message to say I would be picking them up after their night safari adventure. The hotel then informed me that they will only be arriving today!! :p with nothing on my hands I still got ready and went out to run errands and generally to loose myself in the crowds. I trimmed my hair and so now it looks more unruly then ever and bought my toiletries and such. After that I went for an indulgent dinner before dozing off.

Woke up fresh and made a point to flip through my date book to check my plans for this week and it looks packed *yeay!* will be entertaining fusae and Mustafa tonight and tomorrow before they fly off to another choice destination of lovers’ paradise. And I wonder how all the animals are coping in this wet, wet weather? Am wearing a dress because it is the easiest thing to slip on but what about mosquito bites?! *packsmedicatedoiljustincase*

So here I’m back to the office after ditching work yesterday, thinking that with much rest I could take on the challenges at work with a perpetual smile on my face. *imaginesselfascheshirecat* alas, the situations I run into at work makes me want to pull all my hair out and then run screaming out to the streets naked *shudder* of course after that they will fire me and I could never come back to the cbd again *that'stheplananyway* so daily I learn to nod and smile and say yes to the silliest going arounds in my office. And come to think of it, real life in the office is exactly what you can find in the Dilbert comics we read in the papers. Aha! Another one for my booklist – DILBERT COMICS!

This brings to mind the recent Labor Day celebrations. Did you receive your well wishes? Did you read about the death of the early twenty-something girl to a blot clot? Work got to her apparently and the journalist was reminding us how work should be as important as one’s health. Newspaper clip said her boss was the first to attend her wake and when questioned if she was overworked, the boss replied negatively *duuuuuuh!!!!* Then I came across another blog that wrote about how her mum is working for a company that lists below requirements as reasonable or fish off!

1. The pay is reduced to S$500 (from $700 bucks a month) 2. Now it has to be a 5.5 days working week (from a 5 day work week) 3. There will be a cut in manpower as there should not be more than 3 people working at an area, regardless how large the area space (!!!!!!)4. No annual leave and sick leave for the first year (one wonders if the man himself has elderly parents or maybe his parents are robots?)

But I think this post here will best some up my thoughts :) - *trainingratgoesexcusie* and how come I missed THIS:-

"The key goal, said the Prime Minister, is to enable workers to work longer and retire later" - CNA Report on PM Lee's 2007 May Day Speech.


And as a joke, I smsed bobby and shikino, ‘The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win – WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! – Karl Marx, May Day Comradeship Wishes. Amy’…*sniggers* I of course didn’t receive a reply from either of them and I can almost picture both of them horribly mortified *muehehehe* fear is supposed to keep us from making *toomanyorlackofem* mistakes not swallow our pride and so I hope for all courage this labor day or what’s left of it. And a short message to mr. imgigi who aspires so much to be a minister one day with such high hopes to create a better future for everyone.."I’ll be there babe” *evilgrin* I’ll be going back to seek laughs from my Dilbert comic. Eh?!!!! In the comic there’s this big rat right? Or was it a cat?!!! *scramblestolook*

Stay sane,


Anonymous said...

slip on and off..

The Self Center said...

"wax on...wax off...wax on..wax off..."

okay..that was a lame attempt to figure out what anon was trying to put across :)

Anonymous said...

addled minds.. edelweiss..


The Self Center said...

ello hugsy!

long time no see, must be busy making babies ehk? :P